Welcome to Tunneling Association of India

About TAI


Location of various facilities underground will be the order of the day in the immediate future to ensure sustainable life for future societies by providing necessary infrastructure to accommodate transportation, communication utility networks and complexes for handling, processing and storage of many kinds of materials, more so in urban areas which will have to accommodate large populations. Application of New technologies besides use of sophisticated equipment for underground construction works would be warranted for execution of works in a cost effective manner conforming to sustainable development. With rapid growth of underground structure anticipated, there will be evolution of new technologies and innovative construction practices.

TAI joined ITA in 1976, by the initiative of Central Board of Irrigation and Power, is the Indian chapter of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association of India (ITA) a Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization registered under Societies Registrations act 1860 in the year 1991 with the mission :

  • To encourage the use of the subsurface for the benefit of public, environment and sustainable development and
  • To promote advances in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto.

Our vision statement and challenges are:

  • Increasing the awareness of public and decision makers about the unique benefits of the underground space, especially social and environmental benefits,
  • Managing and minimizing risk and assuring safety and security in all tunnelling activities,
  • Ensure sustainable development of tunnel and underground space.


The aims and objects for which the Tunnelling Association of India is established are :

  • To encourage new uses of underground space for the benefit of the public, environment, and sustainable development.
  • To encourage studies of underground alternatives to surface construction, not only considering construction costs but also indirect life-cycle costs and savings as well as social and environmental advantages.
  • To stimulate the development of guidelines for a positive public strategy to take advantage of subsurface potential.
  • To encourage the development of cost effective methods for planning, geo-investigation, design,construction, operation, maintenance and safety of underground structures by using improved methods such as new technical developments and risk management principles.
  • To improve training of everyone, especially young professionals, by conducting workshops, by improving and coordinating academic programs worldwide, and by improved on-the-job training.


  • To act as a liason/Coordinating body in India for International Tunnelling and underground space association (ITA ).
  • To bring together engineers, owners and others involved in the development of underground space,such as architects, planners, authorities, economists, lawyers, insurers, financers and politicians.
  • To arrange international exchange on developments in underground technology and experience from its use.
  • To organize/conduct symposia, seminars, conferences, workshops, training programmes at national and international level.
  • To publish Manuals, Guidelines, proceedings, reports and other documents related to tunnel and underground works.
  • To host ITA General Assembly and World Tunnel Congress in India.

Virtual Training Sessions on:

  • Tunnelling Technologies in Design & Construction by Dr. Harald Wagner held on 19th August 2020
  • Observational Approach by Prof. Robert Galler held on 14th September 2020
  • Tunnel Construction Concepts by Dr. Harald Wagner on 18th September 2020
  • Tunnels Health and Safety by Dr Donald Lamont  on 24th & 25th September 2020
  • Spray Applied Waterproofing Membrane by Dr. Diletta Traldi, Dr. Frank Clement & Dr. Claire Green on 29th September 2020
  • Tunnel Collapse Investigations by Prof. Arnold Dix on 14th October 2020
  • Risk Management by Prof. Andrés Marulanda Escobar on 16th October 2020
  • Latest Development with FRC  in Tunnelling Industry by Dr. Benoit de Rivaz on 21st October 2020
  • Maintenance & Repair by Dr. Harald Wagner on 28th October, 2020
  • Design of Tunnels & Underground Caverns by Dr. Harald Wagner on 25th November, 2020
  • Numerical methods in Geotechnics by Prof. Marlène Villeneuve on 27th November, 2020
  • Smart Solutions for extending the Service Life by Mr. Alireza Biparva on 9th December, 2020
  • Managing the Risk of Tunnelling Projects through different procurement methods by Mr. Giuseppe Gaspari on December 11, 2020
  • Geotechnical Characterization by Dr. Harald Wagner on December 22, 2020
  • Drainage concepts in tunnelling by Prof. Dr. Robert Galler on January 7, 2021

Virtual Training Sessions on:

  • Tunnel/Cavern Design & Layout by Dr. Harald Wagner on January 20, 2021
  • NATM & TBM Design Guidelines by Dr. Harald Wagner on March 10, 2021
  • Contract Models & Risk Assessment by Dr. Harald Wagner on April 22, 2021
  • Life Cycle Assessment by Dr. Harald Wagner on May 19, 2021
  • Urban Space Use – Comparing Surface and Underground by Dr. Harald Wagner on July 21st, 2021
  • Expert Discussion Series by TAI & Informa on Tunnelling : A Prized Passage to Economic Upliftment on  July 23rd, 2021
  • Sponsored programme by Dextra on High Performance Steel & Composite Anchors in the Tunneling Industry on July 27th, 2021
  • Expert Discussion Series by TAI & Informa on Modern Tunnelling Techniques on  July 30th, 2021
  • Hydro Tunnel Specifics in Design and Construction by Dr. Harald Wagner on August 25th, 2021
  • Expert Discussions on Automation in Tunnel Construction on 27th August, 2021
  • Norwegian tunnelling techniques by Dr Zeidler on 28th August 2021
  • Hybrid Event World Tunnel Day organised by TAI& TAIym on 3rd December, 2021
  • Transport Tunnel Specifics in Design and Construction by Dr. Harald Wagner on 15th December, 2021
  • Virtual Webinar on Pune Metro-A Typical Underground Stations by Mr. J Kalyan Kumar, AECOM on 21st December, 2021


The Tunnelling Association of India (TAI) provides information regarding latest developments in the subject to its members. The member gets the following benefits:

  • Tunnelling Association of India (TAI) Journal published Half yearly
  • TRIBUNE Journal from ITA Secretariat – Electronic Format
  • Literature/Information bulletins of seminar/ conferences pertaining to the subject being organized by different organizations in India/abroad
  • Can submit papers to World Tunnel Congress and other events being organized by other National Committees through TAI
  • Discounted rates for procurement of TAI publications and registration fee @ (10%) in the events being organized by TAI
  • Enrollment of 05 representatives against the Institutional membership of the association whom we can send information/literature etc.


Individual/individual life membership is open to any person engaged in or interested in tunnelling work involving planning, design and construction of tunnels and who is a graduate in engineering or science or with equivalent
qualifications. Institutional membership is open to Organizations and Institutions which prepare projects, execute and supervise tunneling works and deal with the equipment involving tunneling.

Download Our Membership Form: Instituitional Membership Form TAI

Download Our TAIym Membership Form: Individual & Young Membership Form TAI