About TAI
Who we are
Tunnelling Association of India (TAI) is the Indian chapter of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) established in 1991, has been involved in dissemination of information about the latest technological development in the execution of tunnel and underground projects by encouraging planning of the use of subsurface and to promote advances in the preparatory investigations for tunnels, design, construction and maintenance of tunnels and also by organizing symposia, seminars, workshops, and training courses, both at national as well as international level, in liaison with international organizations.

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Notice Information
The Election for office bearer of TAI likely to be held, the members may get information on website.
Updated member list for year 2023 (upto 30th Jan. 2024) available on website.
Any suggestion/objection may be submitted by 31st March 2024.
Important Notice to all member: 22.03.2024