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About TAI


Location of various facilities underground will be the order of the day in the immediate future to ensure sustainable life for future societies by providing necessary infrastructure to accommodate transportation, communication utility networks and complexes for handling, processing and storage of many kinds of materials, more so in urban areas which will have to accommodate large populations. Application of New technologies besides use of sophisticated equipment for underground construction works would be warranted for execution of works in a cost effective manner conforming to sustainable development. With rapid growth of underground structure anticipated, there will be evolution of new technologies and innovative construction practices.

TAI joined ITA in 1976, by the initiative of Central Board of Irrigation and Power, is the Indian chapter of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association of India (ITA) a Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization registered under Societies Registrations act 1860 in the year 1991 with the mission :

  • To encourage the use of the subsurface for the benefit of public, environment and sustainable development and
  • To promote advances in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto.

Our vision statement and challenges are:

  • Increasing the awareness of public and decision makers about the unique benefits of the underground space, especially social and environmental benefits,
  • Managing and minimizing risk and assuring safety and security in all tunnelling activities,
  • Ensure sustainable development of tunnel and underground space.